Saturday, November 17, 2007

LSU, Ohio State, Southern Cal, Michigan, South Carolina, and Florida...

Today was November 16, 2007...a day that shall live in infamy....

mine anyways...

I woke up as usual to a phone call from Emily which is always a great start to the day, we talked for a while, she went to the gym and I wrote my dream blog...

Afterwards I started to get ready for our soccer game, the 2007 CASA League Playoffs, #1 United FC v. some team I dunno, but to their credit they were the only team to beat us in the regular season and they did to our credit when we played them we had already played a game 2 hours earlier and it was a 0-0 tie...

It was a brisk 44 degrees @ 2PM in Northeast Philly @ gametime and I was starting as usual in goal...after a save or three, they have a free kick, i got the wall in position and their shot taker literally bent it like beckam into the goal...(1-1)...after another couple of saves we had an aerial battle for the ball and the guy i was defending against stepped on my hands and bent one of my fingernails backwards sendign pain through my hand, i played through it for 30 mins but the cold and me not wanting to hurt the team forced me to come out of the game...late into the game they scored their 2nd goal and went up (2-1)...i came into the game as a forward but even a mocha spark couldnt lead us to victory and we were upset as stoppage time commenced, a game we were heavily favorited to win we didnt...the playoffs and the season are over and we joined, LSU, Ohio State, Southern Cal, Michigan, South Carolina, and Florida as teams that were heavily favored in the their games and played like crap and lost anyways...

The day wasnt bad that, I was very thankful for this experience and I feel that I became a dependable goalie and I cant wait for the indoor season to start...

I got back to the house and lounged around with the Broderson family here and educated them on hunting the Southern way and other Southern traditions...Northern people are so funny...

After i stuffed myself with lasagna I performed a dress rehearsal for the family here and afterwards was greeted with high praise...I packed the car with the piano and accesories and was on my way to campus to perform a song I had only writted two days beforehand...

I was getting pretty nervous on the way there so I called my pop and I gotta say he was able to calm me down so well, it was only because of him that the performance went well, he prayed with me on the phone (i kept my eyes open while i was driving) and had great fatherly advice...

I got to campus and was told I'd be playing like 30 mins earlier than planned, not a big deal so I just got ready and got on stage and called Emily and put her on speakerphone...right before I played I got everyone in the room to shout "happy birthday emily" to her and then proceeded on with the playing (afterwards I could hear whipsers of "he's so cute" and "i like this guy"), not going into unnecessary detail the performance went well, better than i thought after I went back an listened, ill be posting the performance or a copy of the song on the site soon...

So now im back in Penn Valley, watching Clemson lose to Boston College, I hate both but for the sake of the alma mata (thats University of South Carolina by the way, GO COCKS!) go BC! Im terribly tired and emily's partying so I'm going to go to bed while watching "Rocky IV"...that bastard killed Apollo, you better win this one Rock...

...Clemson just lost :)

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